Art History, Comparative Literature, Film Studies, Media Studies, Music, New series, Postcolonial, Transnational Studies

New series: Transnational Cultures

Lubaina Himid Venetian Maps Ceramicists 1997Transnational Cultures promotes enquiry into the cultural products of transnationalism with a particular focus on the visual arts, literature, music, performance, cinema and new media. With the growth of diasporic communities, migratory crossings and virtual exchange, cultural production beyond, across and traversing borders has become an increasing focus of scholarship within historical, contemporary and comparative contexts. Concepts of nationhood are increasingly understood as a limiting and limited way of understanding culture, as artists, writers, filmmakers and intellectuals produce multilingual or translingual texts, collaborate and communicate across national borders, and redefine and reject the national in favour of the global and/or the postnational.

This series encourages new work that investigates how a transnational lens might transform existing understandings of art and culture produced in any period or location. What broader flows of knowledge, capital and power mark the cultural crossings that appear and reappear in pre-modern, modern and contemporary social formations? How do the cultural products of transnationalism trouble existing narratives of the nation-state? How do transnational cultures interact with and become absorbed by local, indigenous and national narratives? Topics may include the production and consumption of culture across borders; mutual exchange of ideas, objects and practices as a result of exile, migration and displacement; the role of social media, vlogging, reality television and digital gaming in transnational dialogue. The series strives to offer a renewed understanding of the networks of cultural exchange, transmission and translation that have helped to produce and disseminate aesthetic ideas across different continents and centuries.

Proposals for monographs and edited collections are welcome. All proposals and manuscripts will be peer reviewed. The main language of publication is English.

Series Editors:

Dr Dorothy Price, University of Bristol

Dr Madhu Krishnan, University of Bristol and

Dr Rhian Atkin, Cardiff University

Editorial Board includes:

Shakuntala Banaji (London School of Economics), Helena Buescu (Lisboa), Deborah Cherry (TrAIN, London), Harry Garuba (Cape Town), Richard Hibbitt (Leeds), Maria Koundoura (Emerson), Vijay Kumar Tadakamalla (Osmania, India), Bénédicte Ledent (Liège), Su Lin Lewis (Bristol), Oiyan Liu (Hong Kong), Churnjeet Mahn (Surrey), Jacqueline Maingard (Bristol), Ulrika Maude (Bristol), Stephen Morton (Southampton), Christopher Ouma (Cape Town), James Procter (Newcastle), Mark Sabine (Nottingham), Lisa Shaw (Liverpool), Siobhán Shilton (Bristol), Catherine Speck (Adelaide), Toshio Watanabe (TrAIN, London), Adam Watt (Exeter)

Image (c) Lubaina Himid, Venetian Maps-Ceramicists (1997)

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